Friday, December 03, 2010

Moonlight Rain and New Moon in Sag 12.5.10

Here's a little Moonlight Rain to celebrate (discreetly, of course!) the December 5, 2010 New Moon in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker.

The illustration above shows a Full Moon which definitely isn't as dark as tonight, Saturday night, and Sunday night will progressively be for we're in the 3-day Balsamic phase prior to the precise moment the New Moon perfects with the Sun (and I'd need to draw a totally blacked-out Moon to show the lunation precisely, so why not settle for this lighter representation of a Full Moon, yes?)

Because in only two weeks, the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will manifest as the culmination and fulfillment of this Monday's New Moon 13Sag28 when seeds of new ventures are planted and nurtured.

(Click link to view the New Moon's chart image w details, EST.)

Why, it's almost lyrical, the Dec 5 New Moon's Sabian Symbol: '14Sag'..."The Pyramid and the Sphinx" and yet something sinister underneath the symbol cannot be ruled out - especially if you study the mundane horoscopes of Politics and political thespians as I often do!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Celestial View from Turquoise Arch

In Georgia today it's cloudy and rainy and I'm in a Celestial View from Turquoise Arch kind of

Thursday November 4, 2010 brings us Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Libra since we're just before a New Moon @13Sco40, the position of Venus' retrograde station degree of October 8, 2010.

This gives us a rather lovely midpoint picture and flavor of the day to consider for the New Moon: Sun/Moon = Venus: artistic interests; harmony; friendship; love awareness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

A few famous folk who share the Sun Sco-Moon Lib blend in their natal charts are: Jayne Mansfield, Billie Jean King, Sylvia Plath, Ted Turner, Francois Mitterrand, and Marie Antoinette.

And the New Moon's Sun Sco-Moon Sco?

Ah, that blend is shared natally by the likes of: Georgia O'Keefe, Leif Garrett, Dracula's daddy Bram Stoker, politician and global operator Howard Baker, and The View's Whoopi Goldberg.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Spooky Dream Forest!

For your Halloween 2010 treat: A Spooky Dream Forest!

This dream image reminds me of the Tarot card 18 The Moon with its kindly advice: don't fear the mysterious unknown...this is the darkness before the dawn...don't squander your energies with anxious worrying...and, let your intuition guide you to hidden opportunities...

Wishing You a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Moonrise at the Crossroads now an art poster!

In time for Halloween 2010 and as per request, Moonrise at the Crossroads is now available to you as a 19" x 15" Bronze Matte UV wall art poster!

So does this drawing fall into the 'Spooky Art' category or is it simply another in my long line of Moon and Cosmic Art illustrations? I shall leave it for you to decide...


An Art Note: my original signature and imprints ~ Unscene World and Secret Moon Art ~ are visible at the bottom of this image. If you prefer that my hand lettering disappear from the art poster of 'Moonrise at the Crossroads' please convo me at: judecowell at gmail dot com with your request and I will upload a newer version to Jude Cowell Art Shop which will, however, crop off a small portion of the drawing. Thanks! jc

Thursday, October 07, 2010

A Fairy's Secret Valley

Today a new drawing for you so you may meander down a secluded path in A Fairy's Secret Valley!

Yet because Secret Moon Art isn't exclusively for Fairy Art (or Faerie Art, if you prefer), I went wandering about on your behalf and discovered some lovely Fairy Art sites for ethereal perusal such as Fairy, Art by Sarah Pittman, and some free-to-use Fairy clip art which may be found at Karen Whimsy's site.

Related is the Sur La Lune Fairy Tale Blog, a treat for eyes and minds!

And of course, if you wish a journey to view the transcendental artwork of one of America's premiere Visionary Artists you simply can never go off-path with Mr. Gilbert Williams, an early inspiration of mine.

Now I feel a bit sheepish admitting it, but somewhere packed away I have a book of his paintings which was published quite a few moons ago - and when I locate it one day, you might be able to hear my woot! all the way from Georgia!

Oh where can it be? Perhaps the pink fairies purloined it...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moonrise at the Crossroads? Well, Boo!

Yes, Moonrise at the Crossroads has been published here before and seems to show up in quite a few google searches. But since it's a favorite drawing of mine (even though I usually lean toward full color rather than black and white), I'm posting it now in honor of Autumn Equinox 2010 and the lovely Full Moon of last evening!

Plus, since Halloween is almost upon us I am reminded that this image turns up rather well when people google terms like 'spooky art', too. Boo!