Showing posts with label Green Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Art. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fairy Glen

Fairy Glen is a drawing about to be donated to my local Mental Health Benefit Art

Fairy Glen by jude cowell 2008; Use only with artist's express permission. Thanks.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Green Art for Earth Day 2007

Here's a new drawing, Unscene World, in honor of Earth Day. You see the phases of the Moon as the moonbushes grow in response to moonbeams--from the dark of the Moon, to New Moon, Crescent Moon, Gibbous Moon, and Full.

If you'd like to see more cooling green art mosey over to Cosmic Persona Designs if you wish...I'd love to see you there, and let's

Save the Planet, Yall!