Showing posts with label Fine Art America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fine Art America. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Natalie's New Chapeau!

Here's a sneak peek at a brand new fanciful figure study as yet incomplete: Natalie's New Chapeau!

Efforts to complete Natalie are planned and are on my drawing board, we might say. Meanwhile, you're always invited to browse my portfolio of drawings at Fine Art America whenever you wish. And while you're there, ordering a tea or coffee mug would be encouraging and much appreciated!

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

A Pencil Portrait of 'Nedra'

February 2, 2022

Another Fanciful Figure Study by Jude Cowell

Here's my latest effort, a rather colorful Pencil Portrait of 'Nedra' looking more than a little psychedelic!

You're cordially invited to browse more drawings, fanciful, botanical, and otherwise at Jude Cowll Art.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Your Portrait of Aerica!

June 4, 2021: Here's that Portrait of Aerica we talked about:

Just barely visible: her bracelet with Chiron symbol!

Browse 24/7 and maybe purchase a pillow, art print, greeting card, or mug from my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio! Because you know that stranger things have happened...

Friday, March 05, 2021

New for You! Jude's World Art Party 2021!

March 5, 2021: Surprising even myself, I've just created another art slidehow of my favorite pencil portraits mixed with a few recent drawings and fanciful figure studies which, you may agree, have a visionary quality. Enjoy!

'Set List' in order of appearance: Jude's World Art Party 2021!, Secret Gazer, Aerica, Analise, Past Has a Way, Chironia, Hen Party, Gina, Ceres and Persephone, Hermesia, Roxy's Red Room. Do you have a favorite?

Well, guess what? More browsing awaits you in my Fine Art America Portfolio.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Portrait of 'Monica Rose' almost completed!

An End-Of-2020 Art Update from pencil artist Jude Cowell

December 26, 2020: If you by chance follow my Instagram feed at all you may have seen the first scan of my Portrait of 'Monica Rose' which, in its in-progress state, shows a whole bunch of black paper, unpenciled as of then (December 22nd). Only the bare basics are committed to paper because you have to start somewhere!

Well, below is the second scan (v2) of my drawing which is quite a bit more completed as of today. Yet as every artist knows, decisions must be made soon concerning 'her' background (if any! or should I leave her 'floating'?), the color/s of her eye shadow, the rest of the mandala behind her, and any other finishing touches which may be required.

Naturally, once such decisions are made and perpetrated, a final v3 version of Monica Rose will be published - either here in this very gallery, or perhaps in my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio at Fine Art America where she might turn up as an art print, a greeting card, or maybe decorating a coffee mug!

But for now, just for you, here is Monica Rose v2, such as she is! How do you like her red gloves?

My preferred pencils: Prismacolor Oils and Rexel Derwent Watercolour Pencils (used dry only).

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Rita Returns for an Assignation!

Once upon a time this quirky little drawing was called, Rita Remembers.

Then this very day I completed it, retitled it, and now it's simply called, Assignation:

Why not browse more Jude Cowell Art 24/7 in my Fine Art America Portfolio if and as you wish! Browsing Art is good for you, y'know!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Return of Troubles Can Swim

June 17, 2020: Here's my pencil drawing Troubles Can Swim which I'm publishing here on Secret Moon Art. If memory serves, the drawing's original appearance occurred in my now-shuttered art collection Cosmic Persona Designs. But here it is:

Note that this drawing was conceived and perpetrated as a mild social commentary on demon alcohol!

And if you wish check out my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio where you can browse 24/7.

Monday, June 01, 2020

A Portrait of Gina Relaxing arrives!

Since today is June 1, 2020 a new fanciful figure study seemed a good idea for Secret Moon Art! So freshly completed, here is a close-up from my Portrait of Gina Relaxing:

And non! Pardon but you cannot view the rest of the drawing because you may be way too far on the youngish side!!

For 24/7 art browsing visit my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio.

Monday, April 27, 2020

New but Messy! Dawn at Night

April 27, 2020: Here's a newly completed drawing Dawn at Night. A messy fanciful figure study effort but here she is!

Browse more of my pencil drawings in my portfolio at

Jude Cowell Art.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Primula Viallii Blossoming in Moonlight

April 19, 2020: Here's my pencil on paper rendition of Primula Viallii Blossoming in Moonlight and it seems that a flower fairy has shown up!

Thursday, January 02, 2020

A Rainy Day? Got my 'ShroomBrella!

Back in the late 1990s into the mid-2000s I did quite a few children's illustrations. One such, drawn for a dummy book I never did anything with entitled, Silvery Tree Path (in which fairies appeared unbidden in my drawings for the first time!), is shown below.

And since today (January 2, 2020) and tomorrow in Raleigh NC, "soaking" rain is in the forecast, I'm publishing 'ShroomBrella because it seems that I may be needing one!

If you like, Please Share! And as always, you're cordially welcome to browse other drawings in my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio at Fine Art America!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Portrait of Muriel Higgins

October 23, 2019: here's a view of a fanciful figure study,

A Portrait of Muriel Higgins:

Pardon! In this scan Muriel looks a bit faded out which is an unfortunate feature of my scanner now placed on a belly-up watch. Any day now it will go belly up and I'll return to an HP printer-scanner, the brand I never should have left!

Available for browsing 24/7: Jude Cowell Art Portfolio.

Favorites around here are Derwent Watercolour Pencils and Prismacolor Oil Pencils on black paper. Note that one or both videos may include an #ad .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sneak a peek at a Rain Tree with Fairy!

At last, Rain Tree with Fairy has returned to Secret Moon Art and this may beg the question, does anyone ever know when or where mystical tree fairies might turn up?

Visit Jude Cowell Art Portfolio for your 24/7 art browsing needs!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

New! Constellation Orion and the Full Moon

A certain constellation sparkled directly overhead at the moment of my birth and it often turns up prominently or subtly within my cosmic drawings of the night sky. Here's a 'starry night drawing' for you that I'm calling Constellation Orion and the Full Moon:

You're cordially invited to browse a variety of drawings in my fine or not so fine Art Portfolio if you wish by visiting Fine Art America!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Path to an Unknown Destination appears

While searching tonight for a certain path'n'portal illustration in my files, I instead tripped across the image below and am uncertain whether it was ever published anywhere--and note that in person, the paper is blacker than it appears here, which of course also depends on the device you're using.

Anyway, check out an incomplete drawing 'Path to an Unknown Destination' which is how it feels these days under the Trump regime to live in a sabotaged America:

Looks as if the drawing was left about 1/3 of the way through...

Images in this online art gallery (since 2005!) are compliments of Jude Cowell Art where you're welcome to browse 24/7.

Friday, October 26, 2018

A Sketch from Fractured Fashions 2012

Look! It's a page of collage, pencil, and ink from my 2012 'Fractured Fashions' sketchbook which I suppose still languishes among the 2012 Project Sketchbooks of other artists in the Brooklyn Art Library:

Plus, you're cordially invited to browse my portfolio of drawings at Jude Cowell Art.

Friday, September 21, 2018

New! Promethea as Mermaid

With watery planet Neptune continuing its leisurely swim through its own oceanic sign of Pisces, a new undersea mermaid drawing may be in order! Here's Promethea as Mermaid:

Pencil on black paper perpetrated by Jude Cowell.