Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Venus Rising by Jude Cowell; update: Venusian Washington DC

Venus Rising by jude cowell (c) 2008

Update June 10, 2015: Venus, Politics, Presidents, Astrology, Zodiacs, and Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

How curious that I posted Venus Rising in 2008 since I discovered only recently that April 6, 2008 is what some call the first day of the current Venus Cycle. So considering the 8-year cycle of planet #Venus there is hidden significance in America's 2016 Election/s because 2008 + 8 = 2016. And let us not leave out our Founding Fathers' preference for a goddess-worshiping mystery religion. If a woman is elected president in 2016, we will have uplifted once again matriarchal rule after centuries of paternalism.

Although political conservatives and Evangelicals in the US prefer to call them 'Christians', Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and our other Utopian founders are usually listed as 'Deists' and most people are aware of their secret society connections such as Freemasonry, Illuminism, and Rosicrucianism. Yet the feminine statues and engravings that decorate the city of Washington DC (ex: the Armed Freedom statue on the Capitol Dome, the stars of constellation Virgo so prominent during early Masonic cornerstone layings of DC buildings and highlighted within DC's many Zodiacs and horoscopes) with their Great Mother-Isis-Semiramis-Mary and Virgo/Ceres/Demeter symbolism relates directly to goddess and archetype, Venus, the beautiful and the vengeful.

Of course, Venus is the consort of our country's official and obvious phallic symbol, the Washington Monument which is dedicated to the "Father of Our Country", sterile though George seems to have been (probably due to one of his several childhood diseases. Additionally, George descended from a Star Family of Enochian priests which is one reason his contemporaries idolized him so highly as a cult leader and by other of his brethren immortalized Washington in statue as 'Jupiter-Zeus' and as a transcendent being (ex: the famous painting of his apotheosis into godhood...Enoch translated to heaven? puh!)

Now as you know, a 5-pointed star is a symbol of Venus, too (5 x 8 = 40.) Stars appear on the Washington family crest which was a template for the design of the US flag. And with a few unavoidable exceptions (assassination, resignation), our US presidential inaugurations every 4 years are held based on the Venus Cycle for as you know, much value is typically attached to the concept of a two-term presidential residency (2 x 4 = 8) of the Oval Office, its shape a shout-out to the Cosmic Egg and the fertility of goddess Venus. Plus, have you ever heard Washington DC called the "New Jerusalem"? This is an intriguing Venusian link as well because the word 'Jerusalem' means "place of Venus rising," a good place for the observation of planet Venus at certain times of the year.

And no, yours truly knew very little of these concepts when I visualized, then perpetrated, the above drawing of Venus Rising! jc

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message

Beyond synchronicity?

Two years ago when I rendered this drawing to illustrate the Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Cancer, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" I was unaware that in August 2012, Venus will be "stationary in the hand of Orion" (Signs in the Sky, Adrian Gilbert) in mid-degrees of Gemini.

This relates to the cataclysm of 2012 predicted in the Mayan Calendar and in ancient Egyptian texts--and Venus is the prime planetary actor in the drama.

(And in Astrology, Venus may be considered a significator of a woman, as well as of values, relationships, aesthetics, beauty and the Arts, and money.)

Most people have heard by now that the three pyramids at Giza line up with the stars in the Belt of Orion (though some may dispute it.)

My religious friends have told me for 30 years or so that Christ's Second Coming will be from the direction of the Belt of Orion. And a certain prophet has predicted a Shaking of worldwide proportions--which sounds much like the pole shifting of 2012 with its earthquakes and tidal waves...tsunamis.

Orion as a constellation equates to Osiris, a Christ archetype at the equator, well-known in ancient Egyptian star lore...Orion/Osiris was god...not a symbol of god, he was god.

There is a pyramind text which captures the Egyptian concept of Orion/Osiris:

You sleep that you may wake
You die that you may live.

And in Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, we find that Orion is an archetype of god and because the constellation is on the earth's equator it is subject to the hero's journey of the whirlpool. I'd say that Christ's life on earth was a hero's journey if there ever was one.

The brightest star in Orion is Rigel (Ree' gal) and Venus conjuncts Rigel in August 2012. The Star's keywords are: the educator; one who brings knowledge. Seems the Woman is bringing knowledge bwo her Baby who has a Message for all of mankind.

Well, what brought all this on? you may ask. If you look behind the Woman in the image, you will see what appears in all my drawings of the sky...the constellation of Orion.

And Venus at "12Cancer" will rise with Rigel during August 2012, something I discovered this very evening (Jan 22, 2008.) This occurrence is what reminded me of my drawing for this degree.

Perhaps it's having Orion at Midheaven in my natal chart...yes, that might account for the synchronicity of the planet, the Sabian Symbol, my desire to illustrate it, my belief in the literal Second Coming, and the stars I am impelled to place in the night sky of my drawings, for Orion has been appearing in my artwork since 1995.

Then there's the synchronicity of YOU, Dear Viewer, finding this lonely little art blog with its lost-among-the-millions-online post with my meager illustration of "12Can"...*keyword: MATERIALIZATION...

positive: a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: completely unreasonable demands for recognition.

Please do this as soon as practical: go outside and look up at Orion--for he really is the most beautiful constellation in the sky!

*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr Marc Edmund Jones.

~:~update July 3, 2008 (7:11 pm edt): if you've shipped over from Jude's Threshold because of July 2 2008's New Moon '12Can' conjunct asteroid Isis then Happy Independence Day, America (tomorrow but we're celebrating tonight while we still may) and wishes for Freedom go out to All the World as per usual! jude