Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wandering Educators: September Artist of the Month

Wandering Educators has given me the honor of being their September Artist of the Month with interview and featured images of my drawings, so do check it out!

And if you're an artist, educator, photographer, or an associate or a fan of such, you may wish to join this new site ~Wandering Educators ~ and show your creative content while viewing that of others. Hope to 'see' you there.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Secret Moon Art update!

It's a magical night and there's a Fairy at Work...shhh! ~~~
And here's a heads-up for you for
you may wish to check out my 24/7 browse-able Art Portfolio at Fine Art America!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Minerva's Glen

Minerva's Glen being one of my all time favorite drawings, I'm adding it here for your viewing or reviewing purposes.

Blending 'real with visionary' somehow seems most interesting to me.

What do you think?

Minerva's Glen by jude cowell 2008

Photographing Ballerinas

Photographing Ballerinas is not the usual fare for the Secret Moon Art collection, but things are changing around here and the ladies wanted to see what's going on!


Photographing Ballerinas by jude cowell 2008

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Isle of Ruins returns

Welcome back to the Isle of Ruins, an image of a drawing from 1996 with the usual Prismacolor and Rexel Derwent pencils as the culprits!

jude cowell (c) 1996 - 2008 and beyond...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wire Art vs Pattillo Armadillo!

>Candle Bower 2003 Look! here's a photo of one of the Candle Bowers created by yours truly as Uranus (lightening; new ideas) traversed my 5th house of Creativity.

This was during my electric art phase, 1995 - 2004...see Cosmic Light Panel below - the photo is a bit fuzzy (from 2000) but it will give you the idea.

Wish I could still shape wire, beads, stones, and prisms into a spun stageset of silver, gold, copper, and brass - a decoration meant for candle enjoyment as well as for lighting purposes - but it's not to be. (Beware the nickel content in silver wire!)

Mirrors reflected candle flames the better to see you with, and here you observe candle's image at the top of the *bower - wish you could see it in evening light where it really glows.

But after 6 years of creating this line of designs, nickel had overly sensitized me and so I gave up creating my line of Wire Art, as I called it then, along with other styles of candle art, plus: mobiles, bead-studded boxes, light-catchers, articulated fish with bellies full of beads, and all manner of sculpturous things which one may invent with wire, whether beaded or no.

Then HG-TV called in 2004 about taping a segment for a new program but it conflicted with a writers' conference coming up where I could work on Pattillo Armadillo and the Dream of Green, my childrens' book. With Pattillo invited to NYC, his story and art had to be completed.

At last Pattillo made The Great Trip to NYC to have his book dummy - or dummybook, if you prefer - scrutinized by big town editors but he didn't 'fit' their list. Not quite up to snuff. So he came home to Georgia where he has remained ever since and as far as I know, has no plans to return to the Big City.

Here's a view of Pattillo from his dummybook cover:

So Pattillo and I are sending Big Thanks to readers of this blog - both of you are very kind to make it to the end of this post!

* concept for Candle Bowers came from bower birds and their amazing, cozy nests.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Venus Rising by Jude Cowell; update: Venusian Washington DC

Venus Rising by jude cowell (c) 2008

Update June 10, 2015: Venus, Politics, Presidents, Astrology, Zodiacs, and Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

How curious that I posted Venus Rising in 2008 since I discovered only recently that April 6, 2008 is what some call the first day of the current Venus Cycle. So considering the 8-year cycle of planet #Venus there is hidden significance in America's 2016 Election/s because 2008 + 8 = 2016. And let us not leave out our Founding Fathers' preference for a goddess-worshiping mystery religion. If a woman is elected president in 2016, we will have uplifted once again matriarchal rule after centuries of paternalism.

Although political conservatives and Evangelicals in the US prefer to call them 'Christians', Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and our other Utopian founders are usually listed as 'Deists' and most people are aware of their secret society connections such as Freemasonry, Illuminism, and Rosicrucianism. Yet the feminine statues and engravings that decorate the city of Washington DC (ex: the Armed Freedom statue on the Capitol Dome, the stars of constellation Virgo so prominent during early Masonic cornerstone layings of DC buildings and highlighted within DC's many Zodiacs and horoscopes) with their Great Mother-Isis-Semiramis-Mary and Virgo/Ceres/Demeter symbolism relates directly to goddess and archetype, Venus, the beautiful and the vengeful.

Of course, Venus is the consort of our country's official and obvious phallic symbol, the Washington Monument which is dedicated to the "Father of Our Country", sterile though George seems to have been (probably due to one of his several childhood diseases. Additionally, George descended from a Star Family of Enochian priests which is one reason his contemporaries idolized him so highly as a cult leader and by other of his brethren immortalized Washington in statue as 'Jupiter-Zeus' and as a transcendent being (ex: the famous painting of his apotheosis into godhood...Enoch translated to heaven? puh!)

Now as you know, a 5-pointed star is a symbol of Venus, too (5 x 8 = 40.) Stars appear on the Washington family crest which was a template for the design of the US flag. And with a few unavoidable exceptions (assassination, resignation), our US presidential inaugurations every 4 years are held based on the Venus Cycle for as you know, much value is typically attached to the concept of a two-term presidential residency (2 x 4 = 8) of the Oval Office, its shape a shout-out to the Cosmic Egg and the fertility of goddess Venus. Plus, have you ever heard Washington DC called the "New Jerusalem"? This is an intriguing Venusian link as well because the word 'Jerusalem' means "place of Venus rising," a good place for the observation of planet Venus at certain times of the year.

And no, yours truly knew very little of these concepts when I visualized, then perpetrated, the above drawing of Venus Rising! jc

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cosmic Light Panel 1999

View of a 1999 Cosmic Light Panel, one of several I created back in the electrified art days leading up to the New Millennium:

Formed upon a wooden frame with fabric, wire, beads, colored electric lights, and mirrors, this Panel sits unobtrusively near me as I type and must be plugged into a wall outlet to see what you're seeing in the photo.

The brightest object--representing Chiron, the Wounded Healer--is actually a small prism hung behind the fabric with a bulb set to spotlight it.

Ahh, the glowiness of 1999!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Neptune's Daughter and friend

Something a bit different for Secret Moon Art...
Neptune's Daughter and friend, by jude cowell (c) 2008

Actually this pencilic rendering is an expression of Mercury's links to the astrological 12th house of the Unconscious and its typical feeling of thoughts floating up from the Unconscious realm which is symbolized in our dreams by Neptune's province, the ocean.

And that includes the Collective Unconscious--as Cetus the Whale and this mer-maid could agree!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Your Estee Lauder rep circa 1972

Hi! it's Christmas 1972, Athens, Georgia, USA. Here's a smeer of red lipstick to welcome you back to Secret Moon Art!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pleiades Sisters: a portrait

Pleiades Sisters, a drawing by jude cowell (c) 2008.

Yes, it's true that Secret Moon Art is not usually where I publish figure studies unless they have starry connections.

So here's a photo of the Pleiades, the most auspicious and identifiable Taurean star cluster of all, the mythology of which appears in many cultures as a hen with chicks, a flock of doves, and for my drawing purposes, The Seven Sisters.

Which is which? You decide: it's Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygete, Celaeno, and Alcyone, the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, as represented in whimsical human form by your artist of the evening, Jude Cowell.

And tonight is Earth Hour from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, if it hasn't come to your time zone will be a good chance to view the stars without the usual light polution and save some wattage simultaneously!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trail to the Moon

Trail to the Moon, drawing by jude cowell (c) secret moon art 2008 Use only by express permission of artist

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Moon Reflection Pyramids

Here's a drawing from my Nostalgia Files, Moon Reflection Pyramids, done on white paper--way back in 1995!

(c) secret moon art 2008 by jude cowell

Friday, February 22, 2008

Pink Fairy Pink Dawn

Pink Fairy Pink Dawn, drawing by jude cowell (c) 2008 Use by express permission only

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cloudy Moon Night

Cloudy Moon Night--drawing on left, and the same drawing above but with sprigs of fresh-blooming rosemary from my garden scanned upon it just for fun.

Cloudy Moon Night by jude cowell (c) secret moon art 2008+

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Blue Trumpet Flower in Moonlight

Totally made this up--to my knowledge there are no such things as Blue Trumpet Flowers, but there is moonlight and my imagination.

Blue Trumpet Flower by jude cowell 2008 Use only by express permission of artist.

Which reminds me...I heard that the Hollywood writers' strike may be ending soon which is good because I want to see more episodes of my favorite new show: Moonlight. I'm not a fan of the vampire normally but a humanitarian vampire is a difficult paradox to ignore!


Yes, Moonlight came back from the writers' strike but was cancelled at the end of its run - which grumped me up considerably. Anti-kudos to CBS. :-(

Friday, February 01, 2008

Lady Unmasking: in time for Feb 7 '08 Eclipse

Lady Unmasking is drawn and published in honor of the Feb 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse in the 10 North Series.

Keyphrases for this Series which last manifested on Jan 26, 1990 (so similar issues may resurface from that time period) are:

strong emphasis on communications; frustrating or inhibiting events occur relating to news, paperwork, or a young person; a draining of energy--take things quietly for there's an element of fatigue with this Series. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Yes, Lady Unmasking is a bit of a departure for Secret Moon Art, for my figure studies and mask-related images are usually published at Cosmic Persona Designs with Children's, Botanical, and Fairy Art published here at SMA.

Plus, I hope you don't mind a smidge of Astrology with your Art today! I have sashayed into Astrology here before--it is Secret Moon Art, after all.

Why "Unmasking"? The reason some folk call this the Unmasking Eclipse is because it falls at "18Aquarius" and the Sabian Symbol for that degree is "A Man Unmasked."

This speaks of a man's secret motives being revealed due to the impossibility of keeping one's true motives hidden forever...and '18AQ' is the opposite degree of Venus' position on 9/11/01.

Venus' degree on 9/11 was same as the Sun/Moon degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse...aka the King of Alarm Eclipse which set the tone for the New Millennium. Sour note so far, right?

Nostradamus' description of this difficult Eclipse related primarily to monetary issues and we know that the attacks of 9/11 were aimed to decimate our financial system.

Yet even Washington DC may fall prey to the influence of the Feb 7 Eclipse, for they have the most secret motives of all...and the most to gain by keeping things out of sight.

To read more on Washington and its starry doings, visit Stars Over Washington and for a blend of stars, politics, Art, and the occasional lapse into poetry, drop by Jude's Threshold where you'll find an article in the blog's Sidebar with more details on the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Indian Pipes

My botanical drawing of these mystical little Indian pipes shows them rising in ghostly cluster from a shadowed forest floor.

Indian pipes are sometimes mistaken for fungi but they are a true flowering plant. Yet their leaves lack chlorophyll and present as scales along the stems.

Therefore they are unable to manufacture food, so their tangly masses of rootlets live quite intimately with subterranean fungi. Both then take their sustenance from decaying organic matter and from living tree roots.

Blooming in summer, Indian pipes' single nodding cup-shaped flowers do resemble small clay pipes atop their waxy stems.

And who can say that fairies don't play tunes upon these lovely creations of nature-- or puff a puff or two?

Indian pipes by jude cowell (c) 2008 Use only by express permission of artist.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fairy Glen

Fairy Glen is a drawing about to be donated to my local Mental Health Benefit Art

Fairy Glen by jude cowell 2008; Use only with artist's express permission. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message

Beyond synchronicity?

Two years ago when I rendered this drawing to illustrate the Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Cancer, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" I was unaware that in August 2012, Venus will be "stationary in the hand of Orion" (Signs in the Sky, Adrian Gilbert) in mid-degrees of Gemini.

This relates to the cataclysm of 2012 predicted in the Mayan Calendar and in ancient Egyptian texts--and Venus is the prime planetary actor in the drama.

(And in Astrology, Venus may be considered a significator of a woman, as well as of values, relationships, aesthetics, beauty and the Arts, and money.)

Most people have heard by now that the three pyramids at Giza line up with the stars in the Belt of Orion (though some may dispute it.)

My religious friends have told me for 30 years or so that Christ's Second Coming will be from the direction of the Belt of Orion. And a certain prophet has predicted a Shaking of worldwide proportions--which sounds much like the pole shifting of 2012 with its earthquakes and tidal waves...tsunamis.

Orion as a constellation equates to Osiris, a Christ archetype at the equator, well-known in ancient Egyptian star lore...Orion/Osiris was god...not a symbol of god, he was god.

There is a pyramind text which captures the Egyptian concept of Orion/Osiris:

You sleep that you may wake
You die that you may live.

And in Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, we find that Orion is an archetype of god and because the constellation is on the earth's equator it is subject to the hero's journey of the whirlpool. I'd say that Christ's life on earth was a hero's journey if there ever was one.

The brightest star in Orion is Rigel (Ree' gal) and Venus conjuncts Rigel in August 2012. The Star's keywords are: the educator; one who brings knowledge. Seems the Woman is bringing knowledge bwo her Baby who has a Message for all of mankind.

Well, what brought all this on? you may ask. If you look behind the Woman in the image, you will see what appears in all my drawings of the sky...the constellation of Orion.

And Venus at "12Cancer" will rise with Rigel during August 2012, something I discovered this very evening (Jan 22, 2008.) This occurrence is what reminded me of my drawing for this degree.

Perhaps it's having Orion at Midheaven in my natal chart...yes, that might account for the synchronicity of the planet, the Sabian Symbol, my desire to illustrate it, my belief in the literal Second Coming, and the stars I am impelled to place in the night sky of my drawings, for Orion has been appearing in my artwork since 1995.

Then there's the synchronicity of YOU, Dear Viewer, finding this lonely little art blog with its lost-among-the-millions-online post with my meager illustration of "12Can"...*keyword: MATERIALIZATION...

positive: a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: completely unreasonable demands for recognition.

Please do this as soon as practical: go outside and look up at Orion--for he really is the most beautiful constellation in the sky!

*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr Marc Edmund Jones.

~:~update July 3, 2008 (7:11 pm edt): if you've shipped over from Jude's Threshold because of July 2 2008's New Moon '12Can' conjunct asteroid Isis then Happy Independence Day, America (tomorrow but we're celebrating tonight while we still may) and wishes for Freedom go out to All the World as per usual! jude

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Here's a small illustration of the wild flower Self-Heal.

Click image to enlarge if it seems too dark for your computer screen... drawing compliments of your artist this evening, jude cowell (c)2008+.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Great Lichen Forest with Fairy

Here's a recent drawing inspired by my first children's book, Silvery Tree Path, which is all about the Great Lichen Forest.

The main character in the story is grumpy Roscoe, the Moon. Looks like a magical place, doesn't it?

(c) Unscene World by jude cowell

Saturday, December 15, 2007

drawing: Eye of Egg

Departing from my usual, drawing on white paper is always so...different.

Eye of Egg by jude cowell (c) 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Welcome to Silvery Tree Path!

Welcome to 318 Silvery Tree Path, a new drawing of one of the 'shroom homes from Silvery Tree Path, a children's story I wrote in 1996. Pull up a mossy rock and sit a spell...or check out Cosmic Persona may see some figure studies there who'd like to greet you...

All Art copyrighted by jude cowell 2007+

Download Art here!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

giving thanks in Minerva's Glen 11.22.07

Minerva's Glen is my latest piece at Associated Content...a poem with art.

Sad when the hoot of an owl is a rare occurrence in one's environment where once it was common to hear bird calls of all sorts.

Progress: They Call It Civilization! But the Ecology Sux:

Now that's a hoot. Encroaching on pristine regions where bracken and lichen still infest limbs and branches...tsk. The presence of bracken and lichen indicates that the air is pure enough for them to grow, a lovely sign which is disappearing soon as developers get their mitts on the area and their much-touted 'build-out' in progress.

So Who Needs Clean Air?

A family member lives in Raleigh NC where particulates are worsening his asthmatic condition. Does the American by-the-of-the-for-the government make any effort at all to protect our air from high emissions of these tiny killers?

And this is "America" brought to you by...the robber baron classes, both royal and not-so-royal. If you don't know one of their minions, you probably are one of their minions.

Nov 22, 2007: Yet herearound the bulldozers haven't reported for duty just down the road--not so far they haven't--as they had planned for October. An option must have been extended. Hmph.

There's not enough water either, and a river to pollute by the over-building of 196 houses eventually, 60 to start--and all on very sloped land, granite not far underneath. It's the granite of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, in fact.

So how did this overly ambitious and poorly timed project get past a watchdog Board of Commissioners? you ask...esp with the county motto:

Preserving the Past, Looking to the Future. (They're doing more than just looking.)

Greedy numbskulls pulling the strings, puppets in office, elderly golfers to manipulate by slick talking PR men. Little fish wheelerdealers of America.

And I'm in a snit to the point of miffdom.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Art for the Snow Moon of Nov 24

In honor of the Nov 24 Full Moon in Gemini--this year's Snow Moon--here's Pattillo Armadillo with sleepy stuff still in the corners of his tiny little eyes...appearing in a tableau called, Pattillo Awakens at Moonrise.

secret moon art 2007, drawing by jude cowell

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Edge of Rainbow Forest (incomplete)

Drawing partial, but will post its final version when far no fairies have shown up that I can see. You?

Edge of Rainbow Forest by jude cowell (c) 2007

Visit my Cosmic Persona Designs Storefront to Download a little Art for yourself (with a mere pittance going to the artist) and pronto!

Such is the life of an arving startist...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Edge of Petrified Forest

In honor of Winter on the way and last evening's Full Moon in Taurus: Edge of Petrified Forest.

(c) jude cowell 2007

Download Art Here ;p

Want some Stars with your Politics? Stars Over Washington has both along with Eclipse and Full Moon info! Or drop by Jude's Threshold which has a variety of stars, politics, grousing, and Art.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

a Moonlighter floats by Secret Moon Art

Here's a little Moonlighter dropping by Secret Moon Art. Normally you'll find him and his pals in the Dreamyfish Art Gallery of botanical fish portraits! Remember: You're Cordially Invited to Visit Whenever You May:

Downloadable Art here!

Cosmic Persona Designs

Dreamyfish Art

Stars Over Washington

Jude's Threshold

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Art for the Autumn Equinox Sept 23 2007

This is a mere art representation in honor of the Autumn Equinox when the Sun seems to 'reach' 00Libra00 on Sept 23.

(c)2007 secret moon art by jude cowell share but please attribute!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bush on tv 9 pm

Tonight from the White House, our acting president takes over the tv airwaves to do his "Give me just a little more time and our love will surely grow" schtick once again. The office I respect. Its inhabitant has shown us what he is, and there will be more of same this evening.

If you're on-blog you may wish to click-to-enlarge the 9 pm chart where you'll see more notes than I can possibly type for you. But a few factors stick out like sore thumbs--that's the plummy thumb of power and control.

Heliocentric North Node of the Uranian planet, Cupido, keywords: the Family; corporations; a syndicate; MC, Point of Aspirations/Goals.

Cupido currently 3Tau24 Rx is rising in the chart which represents Bush's that's a double Cupido flavor to the speech..."4Tau": "A rainbow's pot of gold" (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Even if he begins a minute or two after the hour, this chart symbollically represents the 15 minutes of pleas, anger, and threats we shall hear.

The 9 pm time is during an hour of Saturn--a good time for control and authority issues. If he speaks for 15 mins as advertized, the hour will become Jupiterian, suitable for expansion, religious concepts, and war.

Corporatism's signature lies elsewhere in the chart as well as the Pluto/Chiron midpoint is being pointed to at MC--oppression as a goal, class warfare as an aspiration.

At speech's end, Neptune/Pluto's midpoint, the pair of the Generation of Materialism (1892-93; robber barons: pillagers, speculators, spoilers) yet of course we may see this as a Middle Eastern motif--Neptune/Pluto with a Jupiter influence...sectarians.

Vengeful Venus is one of two planets which change houses during his nibs' 15 minute-presentation--Venus 17Leo08, the heart of the Scorpion degree, approaching her position on 9/11/01--which conjuncts the national ASC of Iran.

The other 'planet' to change houses is the Sun 20Vir50, conj Fixed Star, Denebola (Beta Leo), keywords: to go against society; being on the edge of the establishment.

Denebola is a very interesting star, and since it is linked to the Sun in this chart (Sun = the leader in a national chart), I call its influence for George Bush.

It is in the constellation Leo as is a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. Zosma is there also, representing ones who are victimized by the system and minority group needs.

Please remember, Y'all--it is no pleasure for me (to attempt) to underrate or undercut Bush-as-President. He does that all by his lonesome, as a matter of fact.

The only nag I ever had in the race is/was America, so it's what he's brung to the party during this interminable tenure of a megolomaniacal, messianic-complexed, street-fightin' hombre of a sidewinder that I fuss about. To dissent from having a fascist America is simply how I roll as a child of the Revolution--I know of no other way to be when it comes to my country.

A Higher Power will reward Mr. Bush for his motivations and for what he has wrought upon the planet, and a Bush political "legacy" is as a nuthin' muffin when it comes to that Day. If by their fruits ye shall know them means anything, this man surely manifests a lot of mayhem which seems to follow him where 'ere he goes. Even flying in circles on 9/11/01 as diversionary tactic seems to show he was being sought.

Sept 13, Thursday, 9 pm:

Tonight's speech when averaged with Bush's natal chart (2 charts used--Composite Natal and Composite Davison, not shown) shows a tremendous awareness of the potential for loss. What he discounts publicly is that his early lies which have lead to the impossible gumminess and tragedy of our valiant soldiers being based in the Holy Land as occupiers--a fact which is too large to be denied--is that he doesn't want the 'withdrawal' to be on his 'watch' because it won't be going so well, if history is our teacher.

His waggeldy tail will droop like a scalded dog if he's forced to ace us out of the desert, and his own demons (as a victim of the Unconscious--Cetus the Whale, Menkar) may possibly overwhelm him. No one is a match for the Collective Unconscious once the dragon awakens.

And with tr Saturn in process of meeting the tr South Node (SN = tail of the dragon) (October 07) we may wish to read this as past Saturnian work (Virgo; also health) being swept aside by the dragon's tail.

Well as always, there is much more to say about this chart, but I leave you for now to click/enlarge the chart to read my scribbly notes--there's a large thunderstorm on the way here, even at my door! Perhaps I may update this post after Bush speechifies...must correct dumbleheaded typos.

So let me know what you think about the whole mess.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Purple Pansies!

This detail from a 1996 "time capsule-esque" drawing makes its first-ever debut online in honor of Sep 11's Solar Eclipse--and the fact that purple pansies are faves around here in the flora category. This image may contain my best rendering of stone steps ever!

You may see the full view, including a touch of the Eclipse at Cosmic Persona Designs.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Giant Red Kelp appears in slice

But just barely!

Giant Red Kelp is ready for her close-up but the fishier view of this drawing may be seen at Dreamyfish Art so bubble-float your way over for a sneak peek!

And to honorably score some Art Downloads, visit my Cosmic Persona Designs Storefront if you wish. New Art for modest prices--what more could you want, Sparkie?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Mystic Biscuit Tea Room

Milk or lemon? Green or Constant Comment? Hot or cold? And how about an Astrology book with your order?

(c) secret moon art jude cowell 2007++

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mirror with Vase of Dried Flowers

Here's a simple little pencil drawing, a still life from a while back. Through the years I've usually done a few drawings of each place we've lived. This is one of a series.

(c)2009+ secret moon art by jude cowell

Be sure to drop by my Art Storefront if you find a moment to browse.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Isle of Ruins (more Art from 1996)

When I drew this large image in 1996, little did I know how ruinous so many areas of the world would be in 2007.

And I'm sorry for it.

Isle of Ruins (c)1996-2007 by jude cowell

Oil and Watercolour pencils on paper

Monday, August 13, 2007

Path to Blue Tree Castle (1996)

Secret Moon Art debuts Path to Blue Tree Castle, drawn in 1996 by yours truly.

Ah yes, 1996. That Spring I began studying Astrology full time!

#BlueTreeCastle #1996 #CosmicArt #SecretMoonArt #UnsceneWorld #JudeCowellArt +Astrology

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cosmic Art from 1996 turns up!

Not the Art actually but the art's photos which had been lost or in hiding for simply years.

Five photos from my Cosmic phase have been unexpectedly located this very day and here's the first installment for you, Clouds Descending Near Turquioise Pond.

Well, you know how small the average scannerbed is--mine is 8.69" x 11"--so only smaller drawings need apply for my online showings. But these 5 from 1996 are in the 20" x 24" range and now that I've discovered the hide-out of the photos, they will be debuted in the Secret Moon Art Gallery one by one. Drop back for more, if you wish!

After all, 1996 was a pretty good year in many respects especially when you compare it to how things are going in the world since the New Millenium--an over-hyped illusion of grandeur, if there ever was one.

Yet still...we must Cosmic On, so Enjoy!

Download Jude's Art Now!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Diaphany, Orion, and the Moon

Miss Diaphany has moseyed over from Cosmic Persona Designs to show you the Crescent Moon!

But can the light of a Full Moon hurt you?

Not to fret--for you know my Lulu Storefront has just the images you need for Downloading Art Goodness...try some today, if you wish!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Misty Night revealed

Misty Night is done at last. Scroll down a smidge for two views of this drawing while it was in progress...and it seems a Blue Fairy has appeared after all!

Planets at Play