Showing posts with label cosmic art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmic art. Show all posts

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Private Art Show for SkyWriter Readers!

Here are 7 drawings with astrological flavorings by Jude Cowell - you'll see that #5 is my illustration of the Sabian Symbol for 12 Cancer: 1. Pattillo Armadillo and the Dream of Green (children's book cover) 2. Diluvian Flux 3. Chiron Returns 2027-28 4. Neptune Ascends 5. A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message 6. Lonely Wanderer (leaves his cave to share The Light) 7. Timeless Path (city Merit Award recipient, 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games) Click an image to enlarge: So who's Pattillo Armadillo? His dummy book was under consideration in 2004 a New York publishing house, but his hero's journey North didn't quite fit their list at that time. Kudos for the illustrations though! Many thanks to you, Donna Cunningham, and your SkyWriter readers for browsing my Astrology-tinged Cosmic and Moon Art drawings! Jude Cowell 10.1.09 @7:40 pm edt All images copyrighted by artist 2009+

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Path to an Unknown Land: new drawing!

Now here is a good example of how some of my 'paths'n'portals' drawings look as they're in the early stages of you see, you're on the precipice!

Path to an Unknown Land (which looks quite mysterious and 'unknown' with the distant landscape unsketched, doesn't it?) will be completed and published here as soon as I can find the inspiration and some drawing time to devote. And no, I have no idea at this moment where its path will lead.

Until then, click the title of this post to visit my latest blog where you'll discover a few of my drawings on display in the sidebar... Jude


Update 2.16.11: check out my latest blog creation, a science-y/poem-y concoction Woolly Mammoth Chronicles if you dare! jc

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Peek from the Jungle

Peek from the Jungle, an imaginary scene by jude cowell 2009+.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Moonlight Rain

Moonlight Rain, a drawing by your artist-at-the-moment, Jude Cowell.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Circular Paths of an Unscene World

Circular Paths of an Unscene World, drawing by jude cowell 2008.

'Circular Paths' may refer to Astrology which is the observation and study of planetary orbits and cycles - as well as to labyrinths, of course. Actually, the entire sign of Capricorn is said to be a labyrinth, all 30 degrees of the mer-goat's sign.

Unscene World is an imprint I began in 1996 as black paper took over my drafting table and celestial themes became prominent...and I've never, as they say, looked back!

They also say that black paper gives depth and a spiritual quality you cannot achieve on white or light paper, and I must agree with them.

Here's an example of my early black paper art, Timeless Path, a drawing which won a Merit Award at one of the Olympic Games art venues in Atlanta, GA, summer 1996.

Timeless Path is appr 18"x24" (and was sold before the exhibition opened!) but these days my renderings are small enough to fit a scanner bed so that they may be easily published online for downloading and such, though sometimes I do miss working in a larger format.

My Favorite Pencils: Prismacolor oils, Rexel Derwent watercolours, and a few Spectracolor oils left over from the 90s. The Spectracolor brand, last I knew, was discontinued which for my purposes is a sad state of affairs.

(In fact, I remain to this day in quite a snit of miffdom over it.)

Watercolour pencils are used dry only although you could dampen them if you prefer. Anyone who is proficient or masterly with watercolour painting is a very admirable artist for that's one media I never managed to master even a little bit.

So if you, dear viewer, are good with wet watercolours, kudos aplenty go to you!

Friday, September 05, 2008

A Snowy Path

Winter is on the way and here's A Snowy Path for you to wander!

drawing by jude cowell 2008

Jude Cowell Art

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Isle of Ruins returns

Welcome back to the Isle of Ruins, an image of a drawing from 1996 with the usual Prismacolor and Rexel Derwent pencils as the culprits!

jude cowell (c) 1996 - 2008 and beyond...

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Venus Rising by Jude Cowell; update: Venusian Washington DC

Venus Rising by jude cowell (c) 2008

Update June 10, 2015: Venus, Politics, Presidents, Astrology, Zodiacs, and Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

How curious that I posted Venus Rising in 2008 since I discovered only recently that April 6, 2008 is what some call the first day of the current Venus Cycle. So considering the 8-year cycle of planet #Venus there is hidden significance in America's 2016 Election/s because 2008 + 8 = 2016. And let us not leave out our Founding Fathers' preference for a goddess-worshiping mystery religion. If a woman is elected president in 2016, we will have uplifted once again matriarchal rule after centuries of paternalism.

Although political conservatives and Evangelicals in the US prefer to call them 'Christians', Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and our other Utopian founders are usually listed as 'Deists' and most people are aware of their secret society connections such as Freemasonry, Illuminism, and Rosicrucianism. Yet the feminine statues and engravings that decorate the city of Washington DC (ex: the Armed Freedom statue on the Capitol Dome, the stars of constellation Virgo so prominent during early Masonic cornerstone layings of DC buildings and highlighted within DC's many Zodiacs and horoscopes) with their Great Mother-Isis-Semiramis-Mary and Virgo/Ceres/Demeter symbolism relates directly to goddess and archetype, Venus, the beautiful and the vengeful.

Of course, Venus is the consort of our country's official and obvious phallic symbol, the Washington Monument which is dedicated to the "Father of Our Country", sterile though George seems to have been (probably due to one of his several childhood diseases. Additionally, George descended from a Star Family of Enochian priests which is one reason his contemporaries idolized him so highly as a cult leader and by other of his brethren immortalized Washington in statue as 'Jupiter-Zeus' and as a transcendent being (ex: the famous painting of his apotheosis into godhood...Enoch translated to heaven? puh!)

Now as you know, a 5-pointed star is a symbol of Venus, too (5 x 8 = 40.) Stars appear on the Washington family crest which was a template for the design of the US flag. And with a few unavoidable exceptions (assassination, resignation), our US presidential inaugurations every 4 years are held based on the Venus Cycle for as you know, much value is typically attached to the concept of a two-term presidential residency (2 x 4 = 8) of the Oval Office, its shape a shout-out to the Cosmic Egg and the fertility of goddess Venus. Plus, have you ever heard Washington DC called the "New Jerusalem"? This is an intriguing Venusian link as well because the word 'Jerusalem' means "place of Venus rising," a good place for the observation of planet Venus at certain times of the year.

And no, yours truly knew very little of these concepts when I visualized, then perpetrated, the above drawing of Venus Rising! jc

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trail to the Moon

Trail to the Moon, drawing by jude cowell (c) secret moon art 2008 Use only by express permission of artist

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cloudy Moon Night

Cloudy Moon Night--drawing on left, and the same drawing above but with sprigs of fresh-blooming rosemary from my garden scanned upon it just for fun.

Cloudy Moon Night by jude cowell (c) secret moon art 2008+

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Blue Trumpet Flower in Moonlight

Totally made this up--to my knowledge there are no such things as Blue Trumpet Flowers, but there is moonlight and my imagination.

Blue Trumpet Flower by jude cowell 2008 Use only by express permission of artist.

Which reminds me...I heard that the Hollywood writers' strike may be ending soon which is good because I want to see more episodes of my favorite new show: Moonlight. I'm not a fan of the vampire normally but a humanitarian vampire is a difficult paradox to ignore!


Yes, Moonlight came back from the writers' strike but was cancelled at the end of its run - which grumped me up considerably. Anti-kudos to CBS. :-(

Friday, February 01, 2008

Lady Unmasking: in time for Feb 7 '08 Eclipse

Lady Unmasking is drawn and published in honor of the Feb 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse in the 10 North Series.

Keyphrases for this Series which last manifested on Jan 26, 1990 (so similar issues may resurface from that time period) are:

strong emphasis on communications; frustrating or inhibiting events occur relating to news, paperwork, or a young person; a draining of energy--take things quietly for there's an element of fatigue with this Series. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Yes, Lady Unmasking is a bit of a departure for Secret Moon Art, for my figure studies and mask-related images are usually published at Cosmic Persona Designs with Children's, Botanical, and Fairy Art published here at SMA.

Plus, I hope you don't mind a smidge of Astrology with your Art today! I have sashayed into Astrology here before--it is Secret Moon Art, after all.

Why "Unmasking"? The reason some folk call this the Unmasking Eclipse is because it falls at "18Aquarius" and the Sabian Symbol for that degree is "A Man Unmasked."

This speaks of a man's secret motives being revealed due to the impossibility of keeping one's true motives hidden forever...and '18AQ' is the opposite degree of Venus' position on 9/11/01.

Venus' degree on 9/11 was same as the Sun/Moon degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse...aka the King of Alarm Eclipse which set the tone for the New Millennium. Sour note so far, right?

Nostradamus' description of this difficult Eclipse related primarily to monetary issues and we know that the attacks of 9/11 were aimed to decimate our financial system.

Yet even Washington DC may fall prey to the influence of the Feb 7 Eclipse, for they have the most secret motives of all...and the most to gain by keeping things out of sight.

To read more on Washington and its starry doings, visit Stars Over Washington and for a blend of stars, politics, Art, and the occasional lapse into poetry, drop by Jude's Threshold where you'll find an article in the blog's Sidebar with more details on the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Indian Pipes

My botanical drawing of these mystical little Indian pipes shows them rising in ghostly cluster from a shadowed forest floor.

Indian pipes are sometimes mistaken for fungi but they are a true flowering plant. Yet their leaves lack chlorophyll and present as scales along the stems.

Therefore they are unable to manufacture food, so their tangly masses of rootlets live quite intimately with subterranean fungi. Both then take their sustenance from decaying organic matter and from living tree roots.

Blooming in summer, Indian pipes' single nodding cup-shaped flowers do resemble small clay pipes atop their waxy stems.

And who can say that fairies don't play tunes upon these lovely creations of nature-- or puff a puff or two?

Indian pipes by jude cowell (c) 2008 Use only by express permission of artist.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fairy Glen

Fairy Glen is a drawing about to be donated to my local Mental Health Benefit Art

Fairy Glen by jude cowell 2008; Use only with artist's express permission. Thanks.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Here's a small illustration of the wild flower Self-Heal.

Click image to enlarge if it seems too dark for your computer screen... drawing compliments of your artist this evening, jude cowell (c)2008+.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Great Lichen Forest with Fairy

Here's a recent drawing inspired by my first children's book, Silvery Tree Path, which is all about the Great Lichen Forest.

The main character in the story is grumpy Roscoe, the Moon. Looks like a magical place, doesn't it?

(c) Unscene World by jude cowell

Friday, November 30, 2007

Welcome to Silvery Tree Path!

Welcome to 318 Silvery Tree Path, a new drawing of one of the 'shroom homes from Silvery Tree Path, a children's story I wrote in 1996. Pull up a mossy rock and sit a spell...or check out Cosmic Persona may see some figure studies there who'd like to greet you...

All Art copyrighted by jude cowell 2007+

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