Friday, May 22, 2020

Cameo of an Unknown Lady!

May 22, 2020: Since her name is lost to memory and I've yet to run across the actual drawing (I have a plethora to search through!) I'm calling this image and post Cameo of an Unknown Lady:

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Doodle On White Paper by Jude Cowell

This Doodle on White Paper was probably perpetrated by yours truly way back in the mid-1980s. Just don't ask if she's worn well!

Portrait of a Viking Warrior Portrait

May 21, 2020: In the 1980s when my son was 11 yo he painted a Portrait of a Viking Warrior and I'm glad to say it's still in my files!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Presenting: A Portrait of Vivika

May 20, 2020: Daringly, A Portrait of Vivika is now published to Secret Moon Art which is rather odd since the drawing was begun on December 7, 2003 and only tonight had finishing touches for scanning and sharing! Way back in 2003 I seem to have been in something of a psychedelic phase wth certain drawings and my imprint (my first art imprint online) was Unscene World which I considered a tip of the hat to Saturn for realism combined with Neptune for imaginary.

Why? Because of my Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces personality blend! And of course, Neptunian creativity must have a Saturnian container to be poured into or it remains only a dream!

Nowadays I tend to call such drawings and sketches fanciful figure studies.

So here's A Portrait of Vivika:

Monday, April 27, 2020

New but Messy! Dawn at Night

April 27, 2020: Here's a newly completed drawing Dawn at Night. A messy fanciful figure study effort but here she is!

Browse more of my pencil drawings in my portfolio at

Jude Cowell Art.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Primula Viallii Blossoming in Moonlight

April 19, 2020: Here's my pencil on paper rendition of Primula Viallii Blossoming in Moonlight and it seems that a flower fairy has shown up!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sasha's Place arrives!

Here's a newly completed fanciful figure study, Sasha's Place:

Prismacolor oil and Derwent watercolour pencils on black paper by Jude Cowell.

Monday, January 13, 2020

There's an Eye on the Wall!

Somewhat on the Egyptian side, here's a concoction entitled,

Eye on the Wall:

Friday, January 10, 2020

New! A Portrait of Aubrey

It's A Portrait of Aubrey for you!

'Aubrey' is inspired by past drawings that once filled my now-shuttered art gallery Cosmic Persona Designs. I miss the gallery, its 'Mask Art' and other imprints such as Cosmic Lilith Art, Boudoir Blossoms, and Chiffonery Art by Jude Cowell.

C'est la vie!


Now Appearing on Neptune's Silver Screen: International Beauty Catherine Deneuve.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Curious Night by Jude Cowell

Here's my first completed drawing of 2020, Curious Night, a Fairy Art concoction of pencil on paper:

(c) Jude Cowell Art 2020

Thursday, January 02, 2020

A Rainy Day? Got my 'ShroomBrella!

Back in the late 1990s into the mid-2000s I did quite a few children's illustrations. One such, drawn for a dummy book I never did anything with entitled, Silvery Tree Path (in which fairies appeared unbidden in my drawings for the first time!), is shown below.

And since today (January 2, 2020) and tomorrow in Raleigh NC, "soaking" rain is in the forecast, I'm publishing 'ShroomBrella because it seems that I may be needing one!

If you like, Please Share! And as always, you're cordially welcome to browse other drawings in my Jude Cowell Art Portfolio at Fine Art America!