Showing posts with label moon art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon art. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

'Nine Leaves' for Twyla's Toilette

Funny, but Nine Leaves was the working title of this drawing which eventually morphed into a completed image that you may view if you like and are 17+ of age.

Not that its finished version, titled Twyla's Toilette, is racy in nature, but you just may encounter an Adult Content Warning from Blogger due to the sassier images in the Cosmic Persona Designs gallery...but it's all artsy drawings, no photography allowed (by me. Not interested, don't even ask.)

So just bravely click through if you wish to view Twyla at her dressing table with the Moon shining through the circular window...

Jude Cowell 9.8.09 1:40 am edt

(That's Coh' wull, not 'Cow' as in moo cow or Simon. Thnx for understanding.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Path to an Unknown Land: new drawing!

Now here is a good example of how some of my 'paths'n'portals' drawings look as they're in the early stages of you see, you're on the precipice!

Path to an Unknown Land (which looks quite mysterious and 'unknown' with the distant landscape unsketched, doesn't it?) will be completed and published here as soon as I can find the inspiration and some drawing time to devote. And no, I have no idea at this moment where its path will lead.

Until then, click the title of this post to visit my latest blog where you'll discover a few of my drawings on display in the sidebar... Jude


Update 2.16.11: check out my latest blog creation, a science-y/poem-y concoction Woolly Mammoth Chronicles if you dare! jc

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Come to magical Blue Tree Forest!

Here are two views of the enchanted Blue Tree Forest for you to wander in!

All drawings on this blog by Jude Cowell copyright 2009 and beyond...Use by artist's permission only.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Circular Paths of an Unscene World

Circular Paths of an Unscene World, drawing by jude cowell 2008.

'Circular Paths' may refer to Astrology which is the observation and study of planetary orbits and cycles - as well as to labyrinths, of course. Actually, the entire sign of Capricorn is said to be a labyrinth, all 30 degrees of the mer-goat's sign.

Unscene World is an imprint I began in 1996 as black paper took over my drafting table and celestial themes became prominent...and I've never, as they say, looked back!

They also say that black paper gives depth and a spiritual quality you cannot achieve on white or light paper, and I must agree with them.

Here's an example of my early black paper art, Timeless Path, a drawing which won a Merit Award at one of the Olympic Games art venues in Atlanta, GA, summer 1996.

Timeless Path is appr 18"x24" (and was sold before the exhibition opened!) but these days my renderings are small enough to fit a scanner bed so that they may be easily published online for downloading and such, though sometimes I do miss working in a larger format.

My Favorite Pencils: Prismacolor oils, Rexel Derwent watercolours, and a few Spectracolor oils left over from the 90s. The Spectracolor brand, last I knew, was discontinued which for my purposes is a sad state of affairs.

(In fact, I remain to this day in quite a snit of miffdom over it.)

Watercolour pencils are used dry only although you could dampen them if you prefer. Anyone who is proficient or masterly with watercolour painting is a very admirable artist for that's one media I never managed to master even a little bit.

So if you, dear viewer, are good with wet watercolours, kudos aplenty go to you!

Friday, September 05, 2008

A Snowy Path

Winter is on the way and here's A Snowy Path for you to wander!

drawing by jude cowell 2008

Jude Cowell Art

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Moon Reflection Pyramids

Here's a drawing from my Nostalgia Files, Moon Reflection Pyramids, done on white paper--way back in 1995!

(c) secret moon art 2008 by jude cowell

Friday, February 22, 2008

Pink Fairy Pink Dawn

Pink Fairy Pink Dawn, drawing by jude cowell (c) 2008 Use by express permission only

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Indian Pipes

My botanical drawing of these mystical little Indian pipes shows them rising in ghostly cluster from a shadowed forest floor.

Indian pipes are sometimes mistaken for fungi but they are a true flowering plant. Yet their leaves lack chlorophyll and present as scales along the stems.

Therefore they are unable to manufacture food, so their tangly masses of rootlets live quite intimately with subterranean fungi. Both then take their sustenance from decaying organic matter and from living tree roots.

Blooming in summer, Indian pipes' single nodding cup-shaped flowers do resemble small clay pipes atop their waxy stems.

And who can say that fairies don't play tunes upon these lovely creations of nature-- or puff a puff or two?

Indian pipes by jude cowell (c) 2008 Use only by express permission of artist.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Great Lichen Forest with Fairy

Here's a recent drawing inspired by my first children's book, Silvery Tree Path, which is all about the Great Lichen Forest.

The main character in the story is grumpy Roscoe, the Moon. Looks like a magical place, doesn't it?

(c) Unscene World by jude cowell

Thursday, November 22, 2007

giving thanks in Minerva's Glen 11.22.07

Minerva's Glen is my latest piece at Associated Content...a poem with art.

Sad when the hoot of an owl is a rare occurrence in one's environment where once it was common to hear bird calls of all sorts.

Progress: They Call It Civilization! But the Ecology Sux:

Now that's a hoot. Encroaching on pristine regions where bracken and lichen still infest limbs and branches...tsk. The presence of bracken and lichen indicates that the air is pure enough for them to grow, a lovely sign which is disappearing soon as developers get their mitts on the area and their much-touted 'build-out' in progress.

So Who Needs Clean Air?

A family member lives in Raleigh NC where particulates are worsening his asthmatic condition. Does the American by-the-of-the-for-the government make any effort at all to protect our air from high emissions of these tiny killers?

And this is "America" brought to you by...the robber baron classes, both royal and not-so-royal. If you don't know one of their minions, you probably are one of their minions.

Nov 22, 2007: Yet herearound the bulldozers haven't reported for duty just down the road--not so far they haven't--as they had planned for October. An option must have been extended. Hmph.

There's not enough water either, and a river to pollute by the over-building of 196 houses eventually, 60 to start--and all on very sloped land, granite not far underneath. It's the granite of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, in fact.

So how did this overly ambitious and poorly timed project get past a watchdog Board of Commissioners? you ask...esp with the county motto:

Preserving the Past, Looking to the Future. (They're doing more than just looking.)

Greedy numbskulls pulling the strings, puppets in office, elderly golfers to manipulate by slick talking PR men. Little fish wheelerdealers of America.

And I'm in a snit to the point of miffdom.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Art for the Autumn Equinox Sept 23 2007

This is a mere art representation in honor of the Autumn Equinox when the Sun seems to 'reach' 00Libra00 on Sept 23.

(c)2007 secret moon art by jude cowell share but please attribute!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Purple Pansies!

This detail from a 1996 "time capsule-esque" drawing makes its first-ever debut online in honor of Sep 11's Solar Eclipse--and the fact that purple pansies are faves around here in the flora category. This image may contain my best rendering of stone steps ever!

You may see the full view, including a touch of the Eclipse at Cosmic Persona Designs.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Diaphany, Orion, and the Moon

Miss Diaphany has moseyed over from Cosmic Persona Designs to show you the Crescent Moon!

But can the light of a Full Moon hurt you?

Not to fret--for you know my Lulu Storefront has just the images you need for Downloading Art Goodness...try some today, if you wish!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Misty Night v2

The background is coming into focus this what you envisioned? (see previous image) It may not be the great green gobs of granulated gopher guts that you imagined, dunno...but it'll have to do.

Now! should a fairy pop out of the bushes...or not? Either way is fine with me but you know that sometimes fairies insinuate themselves unbidden into my drawings and I know of no remedy for it.

Let me know what you think by emailing to judecowell@gmail dot com for I would like to finish this drawing before the cows come home. They'll be tired and grumpy.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Misty part

Having no idea where this drawing is "heading" I produce it for you here in an incomplete stage barely half-done.

Hopefully the next image I publish in the Secret Moon Art collection will be the finished version of Misty Night but if not, I will link to it.

Any ideas what's back there in the shadows? I suppose the Moon must be hiding for the time being but what else?