Thursday, January 18, 2007


In the years 2027-28 Chiron returns to discovery degree 3Tau08--three times due to retrogradation. This drawing is a paltry representation of just such a wondrous night as may be expected from a Wounded Healer who cares. The Sabian Symbol for '4 Taurus' is "A Rainbow's Pot of Gold" and describes the rewards which are guaranteed by an eternal covenant between the least of individuality and the universal matrix of life itself. The keyword for this Symbol is FAITH in the Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Sabian Symbols, quoted above. Dane Rudyar gives this Symbol as COMMUNION, involving a transubstantiation of matter. Keynote: Riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature. 'What the linking process brings to the individual consciousness is elusive, as the rainbow never ends where you are, yet it is the source of symbolic, universally valid wealth.' Sounds great to me! ~:~The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones; An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.~

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mossy Cave Observatory

For some Plutonian reason, I've always like to draw caves as starry's fascinating to me to think of watching the heavens bwo a cave...from one extreme to the other, I suppose. You might say it relates to using Astrology for depth Psychology, mightn't you?

So how do you like this view?


Friday, January 05, 2007

deFleur Collection: Peony Faeries

Botanical drawings of flowers in magical environments...the deFleur Collection.

Now appearing: Peony Faeries! As flowers go, I adore peonies, don't you?


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mrs Cholmondeley arrives!

To open a new wing of Secret Moon Art...the deFleur Portraits Collection:

Clematis, 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' has bustled into Secret Moon Art to take Tea with all her friends!


Monday, January 01, 2007

Poisoned Apples of the world

Happy New Year to All from Secret Moon Art! Here are some words for 2007 with some good and free advice about some poisoned apples I have known and chomped on...
how about you?


Want more art? How about Dreamyfish Art for botanical drawings of tropical fish, or Cosmic Persona Designs for an electic mix of archetypal portraits?

And I'm loathe to inform that there's been a dastardly kitnapping over at Lim's Limericks which mysteriously relates to the former spy-cats who hang about the place blogging...

Plus, you'll find a Mozart tribute with one of my pencil renderings of the Maestro at Stars Over Washington written while the Metropoltican Opera broadcast--in Real Time!--the English version of The Magic Flute all over the world Saturday...Herr Mozart the Ultimate!

Stop by for a schmooze with me at and see what's been harvested and gathered at Gather. Hope to see you there!


Sunday, December 31, 2006

Keros and the trove of art

Perhaps you've read the story already--archaeologists have uncovered a trove of art statues and more but in shards upon the goat-herd's Isle of Keros in the Aegean.

Keros is near the sacred islet of Delos where the god Apollo is said to have been born. The islands are in the Cyclades chain and although Keros has been looted there were some 1,400 shards left alone for just such an archaeological team 2006.

No one is sure yet what the cult on Keros involved but they can tell that the figurines were broken on purpose--and a very long time ago.

So you know you didn't do it, and neither did I. Whew!

Statues Provide Clues on Greek Island has more info on this exciting find in the art world as the earth gives up her treasures!


Friday, December 29, 2006

Gladiolus in Moonlight

Gladiolus papilio: perennial, full sun, drained soil...and a little moonlight...


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

White Tree in Rain

Here's a brand-spankin'-new drawing to welcome you to Secret Moon Art in honor of the New Year! Well, the western New Year anyway...


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Diaphany and Orion

To bring in the Winter Solstice, Diaphany points you to the constellation, Orion.

Welcome to Secret Moon Art!


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Her Yellow Dress v1

Welcome to Secret Moon Art where some drawings are posted before completion as you see here with Her Yellow Dress.

Will post the final version eventually...hope you'll return for a visit because I as yet have No Idea how this drawing should be finished.

UPDATE 5.14.07: completed Her Yelllow Dress and publ'd it May 14, 2007...see Archives List, if you please...
