Is it more convenient for the world of Art and art auction houses if mature artists simply retire from their creative pursuits and fade fade away?
Still Prime Time? discusses the topic of artists' later works with Picasso as a prime example of what can happen when creative people dare to age and paint.
Does their work even hold up as being purchase-worthy?
Is the market for their efforts diluted by their extended availability?
Well, read the article for more details, but I say that humankind doesn't create Art as much as use it to express who we really are inside. And I didn't realize there were limitations on it because I thought we were meant to become more of who we are as our lives go on.
Actually some artists, famous and otherwise, use their involvement in the creative process - whatever medium they prefer - as a way of transcending life's difficulties such as illness, lack of resources, a dearth of love, a lonely know - human problems. And if the world presents someone who wishes to purchase such artwork, who are auction houses or galleries to stop them? Should anyone's age be a factor in the transaction if the eyes are satisfied?
Okay, I'm babbling, and didn't expect to become this animated about the topic. Must be my middle-agedness speaking through a lifelong habit of drawing for which I will not apologize!
So whether you like my creations or not, I shall go on creating them, for
not to transcribe the visualized images in my brain onto paper is more of a nuisance than to perpetrate whatever forms a blank sheet of paper conjures...such as this old favorite,
Moonrise at the Crossroads, just in time for Oct 7, 2009's 160th anniversary of the mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe.
Oh! and Halloween approacheth you know.

Then, if you can take a bit of Poetry with your Art, here's a fresh rhyme just published today titled,
An Ode to Readers of Poe, so curl up with your wine or tea cup - or your wine
in a tea cup - and think of Edgar Allan Poe, Father of the Modern Detective Novel.