Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sneak a peek at a Rain Tree with Fairy!

At last, Rain Tree with Fairy has returned to Secret Moon Art and this may beg the question, does anyone ever know when or where mystical tree fairies might turn up?

Visit Jude Cowell Art Portfolio for your 24/7 art browsing needs!

Saturday, July 06, 2019

A fanciful Portrait of a Fool

Here's a somewhat psychedelic example of what can happen when I draw on white paper, Portrait of a Fool:

Thursday, June 20, 2019

New! Constellation Orion and the Full Moon

A certain constellation sparkled directly overhead at the moment of my birth and it often turns up prominently or subtly within my cosmic drawings of the night sky. Here's a 'starry night drawing' for you that I'm calling Constellation Orion and the Full Moon:

You're cordially invited to browse a variety of drawings in my fine or not so fine Art Portfolio if you wish by visiting Fine Art America!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Roxy's Red Room returns!

Once upon a time, yours truly maintained an online art gallery full of my pencil-on-paper creations called Cosmic Persona Designs. Then one day google censorship became tiresome and passe so I shuttered the collection of quite innocent yet fanciful figure studies--some with my 'Boudoir Blossoms' imprint, some known as 'Chiffonery Art'--so that now only breezes waft and browse their way through the gallery's empty corridors, its links leading nowhere, its promise unfulfilled.

But today a return of Roxy's Red Room is in progress here at Secret Moon Art and hopefully a vision of Roxy won't ruffle any viewer's sensitive feathers or chide their admirable modesty!

So for those who dare have a peek...here's Roxy's Red Room:

Monday, May 20, 2019

New! A Portrait of Claryssa Owen

May 20, 2019: The recent acquisition of a new drafting table (glass-topped, quite industrial looking) has inspired a new drawing in my fanciful figure studies series!

Introducing A Portrait of Claryssa Owen: