Sunday, April 12, 2009

'Shroomhome of Merri Chimes

A view of the 'Shroomhome of Merri Chimes, a drawing done quite some time ago for a children's dummybook which never escaped from my studio.

(A 'dummybook' or 'book dummy' is a mock-up of your children's book effort with text and illustrations, if you have them.)

Titled, Silvery Tree Path, the book concerns Roscoe Woodhouse and other characters who live in the Great Lichen Forest. Merri, one of the Chimes Sisters, lives along Silvery Tree Path as you see and is a songstress along with her sisters in the evenings at the Roasted Root Cafe.

This image is from a photograph of the original rendering which is rather large - appr 20" x 24" - and this particular published version is actually from a scanned slide. So that is what gives it a yellowish tinge here...that and the fact that all Silvery Tree Path illustrations are embossed with silver (aluminum) pencil!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Od Collage - for the Odyle Force of Life

An Od Collage by Jude Cowell 2009+ in honor of the quaint 19th century notion of the Odyle or Od Force...the life force which astrologically I would have to relate to Uranus (Ouranos), the creative spark or genius in a horoscope, and planet of electricity and eccentricity.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Tulipa 'Maytime' under Full Moon

Your eyes do not deceive - it is a clump of Tulipa 'Maytime' happily enjoying a few refreshing sips of gracious raindrops under the light of an abundant Full Moon.


Image exclusively by Jude Cowell 2009+; many Prismacolor oil and Rexel Derwent watercolour pencils were sharpened during the perpetration of this drawing.


You are cordially invited to visit my Art Page at Red Bubble which is a friendly and encouraging online Art Community and your source for Art, greeting cards, artist-designed T-shirts, and other artful creations.

Mosey by when ya can!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Peek from the Jungle

Peek from the Jungle, an imaginary scene by jude cowell 2009+.

How I feel today: like Vesta Vertex!

No, this image isn't the usual fare here at the Secret Moon Art Gallery, but having been under the weather the last several days (now on the mend!) this drawing demonstrates how I feel today better than any whining words of wimpiness ever could, and represents my measley effort to Let Art Speak!

Vesta Vertex, drawing by jude cowell 2009+; Prismacolor oil and Rexel Derwent watercolour pencils on white paper.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mother and Son

This image is titled, Mother and Son

A Ceres-esque drawing by Jude Cowell with Prismacolor oil and Rexel Derwent watercolour pencils 2009+.

In Mythology and Astrology, the Moon and Ceres = the mother; nurturing; security; food...mama!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Moonlight Rain

Moonlight Rain, a drawing by your artist-at-the-moment, Jude Cowell.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Saturday, January 03, 2009

London artist gives his Art away for free

Have you heard of Adam Neate of London, England? He's an artist who gives his artwork away for free by leaving it on the street!

Have you heard of American artist, Jude Cowell? She gives her artwork away free online! In America, leaving artwork on the streets can get you a citation for littering.

Besides...have you seen my artwork?

Clown surgeonfish of Western Australia, drawing by jude cowell 2009, from my Dreamyfish Art collection. Float on by and say hello when you can.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

'ShroomHome on Silvery Tree Path

This is not a completed drawing, 'tis true. Yet 'ShroomHome on Silvery Tree Path is happy as a puppy with two tails to see you!

When the drawing is done and published, you will be notified, if you like.

'ShroomHome on Silvery Tree Path, jude cowell Unscene World 2008+


Prismacolor oil and Rexel Derwent watercolour pencils on Black...yes, Black...paper.

12.20.08 12:45 pm est