Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wild Roses

Drawing in progress! Will complete and post final version in a few days...

9.27.06 3:15 pm


Monday, September 25, 2006

Hidden Garden uncovered

Here at Secret Moon Art the fairies show up quite often as you see!

This Garden is another image is from my children's book, Pattillo Armadillo and the Dream of Green.

9.25.06 5:55 pm

Here's Shout-Out for m'self: a new blog called Jude Cowell's Art and Then Some


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fairies Visit Goldfish Pond

At Secret Moon Art we never know when fairies may drop by!

This is an image from my children's book, Pattillo Armadillo and the Dream of Green.

So tell me--how many *fairies do you see?

9.24.06 12:03 am

*answer is somewhere below...


3 Trees in Moonlight

Welcome to the Art Gallery of the Secret Moon!

Here you see the completed version of 3 Trees in Moonlight.

9.23.06 8:38 pm

tags: Secret Moon Art

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Moonlight Path

Welcome to Secret Moon Art! This drawing is completed but I'm posting it for its obvious lunar reasons...scroll for more...

9.13.06 1:28 pm


Friday, September 08, 2006

Bubble Vision

Welcome to Secret Moon Art! Here's the final version of Bubble Vision with the first version just below...

9.8.06 8:46 am

tags: Secret Moon Art

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bubble Vision v1

With a Shout-Out to Hannah from here's the first installment of Bubble Vision with the final version coming soon...

8.23.06 7:02 pm

You may also visit Jude's page at
if you wish! Come and schmooze!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rainy Tree: Two Fairies

Here's the final image of Rainy Tree with the incomplete version to be found just below...July 21. A second fairy did show up after all--and if I had it to name over again, I'd call it, Two Fairies on a Rainy Night!

Limited Edition Prints or Postcards available. For details:

email Jude

8.22.06 8:25 pm


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Moonrise at the Crossroads

Here's an early version of Moonrise at the Crossroads...not sure if I'll do much more to it. Don't know if it's calling out for colors--or perhaps not! We'll see...

8.1.06 9:30 pm


It's Magic! Be sure to check out Dorlana Vann's magical book Silverweed Muffins as soon as you may!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

High Priestess v2

This will be the final version of High Priestess esp since she's just a mock up of a possibility!

You'll see v1 is just below.

7.27.06 11:45 am


Sit a spell! Visit Lim's Limericks for groanworthily offensive Political Limericks plus some dinner ideas--such as what NOT to do with that left over Sardine Sauce!

Monday, July 24, 2006

High Priestess v1

A certain person put a bug in my ear concerning Tarot Art and here's the first installment of a possible Tarot Deck...just a quick rendition actually, and about 2/3 completed. Comments encouraged!

7.24.06 5:28 pm Secret Moon Art Creative Commons Lic 2.5 Attribution-NoDeriv


Mosey over to Cosmic Persona Designs to see a newly-posted art representation of "12 Cancer" from the Sabian Symbols pantheon. It's not really a pantheon...I just wanted to end the sentence with the word, pantheon.

"12Can": "A Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" and archetypally it puts one in mind of the Dalai Lama. But also of Baby Jesus on whom all other archetypes were based whether they knew/know it or not.

7.24.06 11:40 pm


Friday, July 21, 2006

Rainy Tree v1

Here's a new drawing begun earlier this week. You can see there's still a good bit of black background showing so I've got a lot to do to complete this one! You may ID three planetary symbols hidden about somewhere.

And a forest fairy has alighted in a nook...we'll see if any other fairies show up as things progress... . .

7.21.06 11:17 pm edt
